About the Yearbook

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence  (GCYILJ) was established in 2001 (there have been 22 editions published annually since its first publication). It focuses on a new reality: ‘the gradual transformation of the international community and the structuring process of a global community in which a coherent legal system for a universal human society is being built’ (G. Ziccardi Capaldo, Inaugural Editorial).

GCYILJ contains analysis by leading scholars and judges from all over the world focusing on the global challenges for law, policy and justice; it provides theoretical and practice-oriented articles on recent developments in international law and global policies as well as new insights on the contribution of judicial pronouncements to the emerging global law. A critical appraisal of the current international law literature enables readers to view global legal issues from different perspectives and cultures.

GCYILJ constitutes the only thorough annual survey of major developments in international jurisprudence. The decisions of international courts and tribunals are extensively covered, reflecting their recognized importance for the development of international/global law. A comprehensive survey by eminent international law scholars who explore, document and evaluate this process provides an innovative approach to the interactions between courts with the objective of reducing conflicts and paving the path towards harmonization of legal principles governing the global community.

GCYILJ fills in the gaps left by other journals that provide partial coverage of international judicial decisions; international law scholars can rely on it to better understand the wealth of case law emanating from international jurisdictions. The originality and utility of this yearbook lies precisely in its ‘intermediation’ role between case law and international scholars, practitioners and students.

GCYILJ Benefits

  • Thorough doctrinal analysis of current and future developments in international law;
  • Regular monitoring of the construction of the global community and the evolution of global law;
  • Annual report and in-depth analysis  of case law;
  • Format and publication schedule designed to keep users up-to-date with contemporary developments in international case law;
  • Brief and easy to understand summaries on the points of law from decisions of international courts in the form of “legal maxims”;
  • Innovative and systematic approach to the process of “cross fertilization” between courts;
  • Information in an easily accessible form.