Louis René Beres
From Pandemic to Apocalypse - Nuclear War as Terminal Disease
Richard W. Mansbach
America's Foreign Policy under Donald Trump
Ramesh Thakur
The Disruptor-In-Chief Wrecks the Nuclear Arms Control Architecture
Graham Dutfield & Uma Suthersanen
Responding to the Global Food Fraud Crisis: What Is the Role of Intellectual Property and Trade Law?
Leonardo Borlini &Luigi Crema
The Legal Status of Decisions by Human Rights Treaty Bodies: Authoritative Interpretations or mission éducatrice?,
Geoffrey S. Corn & Michael W. Meier
Enhancing Civilian Risk Mitigation by Expanding the Commander's Information Aperture
Elspeth Guild & Raoul Wieland
The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: What does it Mean in International Law?
Ravindra Pratap
The Role of ICJ Procedure in the Emergence and Evolution of Erga Omnes Obligations
Appendix of the Part - Topics Covered in the Previous Issues (2008-2018)
Anja Matwijkiw & Bronik Matwijkiw
Illiberal versus Liberal State Branding and Public International Law: Denmark and the Approximation to Human(itarian) Rightlessness
Oreste Pollicino, Giovanni De Gregorio
A Constitutional-Driven Change of Heart ISP Liability, AI and the Digital Single Market
Appendix of the Part - Topics Covered in the Previous Issues (2008-2017)
Jelena Bäumler
Rise and Shine: The No Harm Principle’s Increasing Relevance for the Global Community
Nicholas R. Micinski & Thomas G. Weiss
Global Migration Governance: Beyond Coordination and Crises
Appendix of the Part—Topics Covered in the Previous Issues (2008– 2016)
Leonardo Borlini
Subsidies Regulation Beyond the WTO: Substance, Procedure and Policy Space in the "New Generation" EU Trade Agreements
Hans Köchler
Normative Inconsistencies in the State System with Special Emphasis on International Law
Shavana Musa
Globalising Security Law for a Globalised Arms Trade
Jeffrey Haynes
Human Rights and the Politics of Religious Freedom in Europe
Vesselin Popowski
Win-Win Formula for Reforming the UN Security Council
Ramesh Thakur
Balancing Competing Interests and Values: Drone Strikes as National Policy but International Crime?
Peter Hough
Defending Nature. The Evolution of the International Legal Restriction of Military Ecocide
Robert Kolb
Crimes contre l’humanité
Francesco Seatzu
Economic Integration in the Caribbean Region: Re-discussing the Capacity of the CARICOM
Appendix of the Section—Topics Covered in the Previous Issues (2008–2013)
Robin Mansell
Global Media and Communication Policy: Turbulence and Reform
Francesco Seatzu
PRIME Finance Arbitration—A Role Model for the Settlement of International Financial Disputes?
A. Claire Cutler
Public and Private Authority in Transnational Dispute Resolution: International Trade and Investment Arbitration
Jeffrey Haynes
Religion, Democratisation and the Arab Spring
Antonio Capaldo, Bice Della Piana & Alessandra Vecchi
Managing Across Cultures in a Globalized World. Findings from a Systematic Literature Review
Gilles Carbonnier & Sijbren de Jong
The Global Governance of Energy and Development
Benjamin Mason Meier
Global Health Takes a Normative Turn: The Expanding Purview of International Health Law and Global Health Policy to Meet the Public Health Challenges of the 21st Century
Graham Dutfield & Uma Suthersanen
Global Intellectual Property Law and Policy
Kishan Khoday & Usha Natarajan
Sustainable Development as Freedom: On the Nature of International Law and Human Development
Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops
The Legal-Political Connotation of Material Support to Terrorism
Steven W. Becker
“I Think, Therefore I Am Guilty”: Suppressing Speech and Hijacking History – The Case Against Criminalizing Hate Speech and Revisionism as Global Policy
Antonio Remiro Brotóns
Crímenes Internacionales, Jueces Estatales: De la Universalidad, las Inmunidades y Otras Soledades
Malgosia Fitzmaurice
Global Importance of Human Rights for Environmental Protection
Philippe Gautier
Le Règlement Obligatoire des Différends Relatifs au Droit de la Mer et la Pratique des Etats
Joyeeta Gupta
Climate Law: Gap Between Normative Rhetoric and Politics
Kishan Khoday
Towards the 2012 Rio Earth Summit and the Evolution of International Environmental Law in a Multi-Polar World
Hans Köchler
The Politics of Global Powers
Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Editor’s Introduction- Global Law and Policies. A Legal Approach to Political Changes
Richard W. Mansbach
The Great Globalization Debate
George Modelski
From Leadership to Organization: The Evolution of Global Politics
Ramesh Thakur & Thomas G. Weiss
Framing Global Governance, Five Gaps
Antonio Tizzano
The Protection of Fundamental Rights: The ECJ Key Contribution to EU Constitutional Developments
Robert Uerpmann-Wittzack
International Regulation by International Regulatory Organisations - A Model for ICANN?
Global Community Yearbook of International law and Jurisprudence