Oxford University Press
ISSN: 1535-9468
Published in print, online and Ebook

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (GCYILJ) is a peer-reviewed journal, covered in SCOPUS, first published in 2001. Since then, it has become an authoritative reference on the most significant transformations in the world constitutive process. While providing researchers and practitioners with access to a uniquely rich resource for the study of international jurisprudence, the GCYILJ promotes discussion on current issues that impact substantive and procedural aspects of global law. In this way, the GCYILJ makes it possible to monitor – from year to year and from several perspectives – the development of the international order towards a legal system for a global community.

“The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence has, since its founding, become the most important source of reference on global legal issues, which necessarily covers an enormous range of issues and more particularly developments before international tribunals.”
- M. Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University, College of Law

“A very useful publication, one that retains its focus on relevant global developments in international law while being extensive in the issues it covers, and this makes it different from other similar publications.”
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Department of Law, University of London

An inside look at the Yearbook

GCYILJ is based on an innovative, cutting-edge project looking at issues which are crucial for anyone concerned with global society and the future structuring of world order. The GCYILJ monitors the step-by-step transition to a global community by exploring its emerging system of law (global constitutional principles), its special form of governance (global policies) and principal ideas of justice through a meaningful global jurisprudence.

GCYILJ: Editorial

General Editor Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo provides an overview of the academic contributions contained in each issue, placing special emphasis on their key concepts before moving on to outline the main objective of the issue to the dissemination of international jurisprudence.

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GCYILJ: Global Law, Global Constitutionalism, Global Governance.

GCYILJ opens an important window for the Copernican Revolution of the international legal system, from inter-state law to law of all humanity, while tracing the emergence of global constitutional principles. It offers exciting opportunities to partake in and reflect on the continuous development and chronicling of the central concept of global constitutionalism and its interface with global governance.

Look for theoretical parts

GCYILJ: Global Justice

GCYILJ is a leading resource for research and study of international jurisprudence, both of global and regional courts.

Look for our current and past Annual Reports on international jurisprudence!

Global annual overview of the jurisprudential cross-fertilization process makes it a unique contribution to the field.

An innovative way of understanding the relevance of internationalist thought on the changes in international law!

Featured contents
ICJ - Comment & Cases
ITLOS - Comment
WTO - Comment & Cases
ICC - Comment & Cases
IRMCT - Comment
ECJ - Comment & Cases
ECtHR - Comment & Cases
IACtHR - Comment & Cases
ACtHPR - Cases
ICSID - Comment & Cases
PCA - Comment & Cases
IATs - Comment & Cases
Most read
WTO - Comment & Cases
IACtHR - Comment & Cases
ACtHPR - Comment & Cases
ICJ - Comment & Cases
ITLOS - Comment & Cases
ECtHR - Comment & Cases
More from GCYILJ
GCYILJ on the OUPblog What Is Global Law? AUGUST 10TH 2015
In a piece posted on OUPblog, General Editor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo explores “the question of whether the birth of a global community gave rise to a new set of international norms, and whether such norms amount to a system coherent enough to be called 'Global Law'”.
We draw your attention to this recent post on OUP blog by Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo  in which she shares her reflections on the No-impunity principle as a principle of  global constitutional  law and proposes reopening time-barred criminal proceedings as an urgent remedy to grant reparation for impunity.
In celebrating the Yearbook's 20 year anniversary, the General Editor highlights the most recent developments and the new course of the journal, which is a progressive outgrowth of its previous direction.

The commencement of the third decade of the yearbook is also the occasion to launch our new Twitter account. Please follow us at https://twitter.com/GCYILJ or @GCYILJ

“A very useful publication, one that retains its focus on relevant global developments in international law while being extensive in the issues it covers, and this makes it different from other similar publications.”
- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Department of Law, University of London

GCYILJ is a one-stop resource for all researchers in international/global law and related disciplines and the jurisprudence of international courts and tribunals.

It is aimed at academics, legal practitioners, and law students in the fields of international law, national law, legal philosophy and ethics, political science, and economics.