Reports of Judicial Decisions
European Court of Human Rights
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Noelia Arjona Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Lucía Ione Padilla Espinosa, Juan Francisco Moreno-Domínguez, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana
VII.2.1 Case of Hanan v. Germany, Application no. 4871/ 16, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 February 2021
VII.2.2 Case of Big Brother Watch and Others v. The United Kingdom, Applications nos. 58170/ 13, 62322/ 14 and 24960/ 15, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 25 May 2021
VII.2.3 Case of Fedotova and Others v. Russia, Applications nos. 40792/ 10, 30538/ 14 and 43439/ 14, Third Section, Judgment, 13 July 2021
VII.2.4 Case of Reczkowicz v. Poland, Application no. 43447/ 19, First Section, Judgment, 22 July 2021
VII.2.5 Case of Carter v. Russia, Application no. 20914/ 07, Third Section, Judgment, 21 September 2021
VII.2.6 Case of Ariana Zakharyevna Shavlokhova v. Georgia, Applications nos. 45431/ 08, 50669/ 08, 55291/ 08, 20517/ 09, 24964/ 09, Second Section, Decision, 5 October 2021
VII.2.7 Affaire Miroslava Todorova c. Bulgarie, Requête no. 40072/ 13, Quatrième Section, Arrêt, 19 Octobre 2021
VII.2.8 Case of Vedat ?orli v. Turkey, Application no. 42048/ 19, Second Section, Judgment, 19 October 2021
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Mikayla Amber Brier-Mills, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Lucía Ione Padilla Espinosa, Antonio-Jesus Rodríguez-Redondo, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana
INTRODUCTORY NOTE, Linos-Alexander Sicilianos, Afroditi Gkagkatsi
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Adriana Fillol Mazo, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Lucía Ione Padilla Espinosa, Juan Francisco Moreno-Domínguez, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Adriana Fillol Mazo, Lucía Ione Padilla Espinosa, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Juan Francisco Moreno- Domínguez , Antonio- Jesus Rodríguez- Redondo, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana
Case of Naït- Liman v. Switzerland, Application No. 51357/ 07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 15 March 2018
Case of Abu Zubaydah v. Lithuania, Application No. 46454/ 11, First Section, Judgment, 31 May 2018
Case of Al Nashiri v. Romania, Application No. 33234/ 12, First Section, Judgment, 31 May 2018
Case of G.I.E.M. S.R.L. and Others v. Italy, Application n. 1828/ 06, 34163/ 07 and 19029/ 11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 28 June 2018
Case of Big Brother Watch and Others v. The United Kingdom, Application No. 58170/ 13, 62322/ 14 and 24960/ 15, First Section, Judgment, 13 September 2018
Case of Lachiri v. Belgium, Application No. 3413/ 09, Second Section, Judgment, 18 September 2018
Case of E.S. v. Austria, Application No. 38450/ 12, Fifth Section, Judgment, 25 October 2018
Case of Alekseyev and Others v. Russia, Applications Nos. 14988/ 09 and 50 others, Third Section, Judgment, 27 November 2018
Case of Molla v. Greece, Application No. 20452/ 14, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 December 2018
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Anna Buono, Simona Fanni, Adriana Fillol Mazo, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Diana Marín Consarnau, Juan Francisco Moreno Domínguez, Lucía Padilla, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana, Antonio Rodríguez, Anna Vigorito
Case of Hutchinson v. the United Kingdom, Application No. 57592/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 January 2017
Case of Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy, Application No. 25358/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 January 2017
Case of Khamtokhu and Aksenchik v. Russia, Applications Nos. 60367/08 and 961/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 January 2017
Case of K2 v. United Kingdom, Application No. 42387/13, First Section, Decision, 7 February 2017
Case of De Tommaso v. Italy, Application No. 43395/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 February 2017
Case of Cerovšek and Božičnik v. Slovenia, Applications Nos. 68939/12 and 68949/12, Fourth Section, Judgment, 7 March 2017
Case of A.-M.V. v. Finland, Application No. 53251/13, First Section, Judgment, 23 March 2017
Case of Chowdury and Others v. Greece, Application No. 21884/15, First Section, Judgment, 30 March 2017
Case of Medžlis Islamske Zajednice Brčko and Others v. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Application No. 17224/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 27 June 2017
Case of Moreira Ferreira v. Portugal (No. 2), Application No. 19867/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 11 July 2017
Case of Bărbulescu v. Romania, Application No. 61496/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 September 2017
Case of Fábián v. Hungary, Application No. 78117/13, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 September 2017
Case of Becker v. Norway, Application No. 21272/12, Fifth Section, Judgment, 5 October 2017
Case of Merabishvili v. Georgia, Application No. 72508/13, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 28 November 2017
Case of S.F. and Others v. Bulgaria, Application No. 8138/16, Fifth Section, Judgment, 7 December 2017
Case of Chiragov and Others v. Armenia, Application No. 13216/05, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 December 2017
Case of Lopes de Sousa Fernandes v. Portugal, Application No. 56080/13, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 December 2017
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Simona Fanni, Adriana Fillol Mazo, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Francisco García- Garrido, Rosa Giles- Carnero, Diana Marín Consarnau, Juan F. Moreno- Dominguez, Anna Oriolo, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana, Caterina Tuosto
Case of Meier v. Switzerland, Application No. 10109/ 14, Third Section, Judgment, 9 February 2016
Case of Mozer v. the Republic of Moldova and Russia, Application No. 11138/ 10, Grand Chamber, Judgment,
23 February 2016
Case of Pajić v. Croatia, Application No. 68453/ 13, Second Section, Judgment, 23 February 2016
Case of Arlewin v. Sweden, Application No. 22302/ 10, Third Section, Judgment, 1 March 2016
Case Tabbane v. Switzerland, Application No. 41069/ 12, Third Section, Decision, 1 March 2016
Case of F.G. v. Sweden, Application No. 43611/ 11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 March 2016
Case of Blokhin v. Russia, Application No. 47152/ 06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 March 2016
Case of Ivanova and Cherkezov v. Bulgaria, Application No. 46577/ 15, Fifth Section, Judgment, 21 April 2016
Case of Karácsony and Others v. Hungary, Application No. 42461/ 13 and 44357/ 13, Grand Chamber, Judgment,
17 May 2016
Case of Avotiņš v. Latvia, Application No. 17502/ 07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 May 2016
Case of Biao v. Denmark, Application No. 38590/ 10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 May 2016
Case of Al- Dulimi and Montana Management Inc. v. Switzerland, Application No. 5809/ 08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 June 2016
Case of Baka v. Hungary, Application No. 20261/ 12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 June 2016
Affaire Sakir c. Grèce, Requête No. 48475/ 09, Première Section, Arrêt, 24 Juin 2016
Case of Buzadji v. The Republic of Moldova, Application No. 23755/ 07, Third Section, Judgment, 5 July 2016
Case of Jeronovičs v. Latvia, Application No. 44898/ 10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 July 2016
Case of J.K. and Others v. Sweden, Applications No. 59166/ 12, Fifth Section, Judgment, 23 August 2016
Case of Ibrahim and Others v. the United Kingdom, Applications Nos. 50541/ 08, 50571/ 08, 50573/ 08 and 40351/ 09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 13 September 2016
Affaire Versini- Campinchi et Crasnianski c. France, Requête No. 49176/ 11, Cinquième Section, Arrêt, 16 Octobre 2016
Case of Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary, Application No. 18030/ 11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 8 November 2016
Case of Khlaifia and others v. Italy, Application No. 16483/ 12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 15 December 2016
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane Tlemsani, Adriana Fillol Mazo, Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández, Yolanda Gamarra, Francisco García-Garrido, Rosa Giles-Carnero, Diana Marín Consarnau, Anna Oriolo, Juan Diego Sández Arana, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana, Anna Vigorito
Case of Elberte v. Latvia, Application No. 61243/08, Fourth Section, Judgment, 13 January 2015
Case of Rohlena v. The Czech Republic, Application No. 59552/08, Grand Chamber, 27 January 2015
Case of Bochan v. Ukraine, Application No. 22251/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 February 2015
Case of Guseva v. Bulgaria, Application No. 6987/07, Fourth Section, Judgment, 17 February 2015
Affaire Y. Y. c. Turquie, Requête No. 14793/08, Deuxième Section, Arrête, 10 Mars 2015
Affaire Cestaro c. Italie, Requête No. 6884/11, Quatrième Section, Arrête, 7 Avril 2015
Case of Lambert and Others v. France, Application No. 46043/14, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 June 2015
Case of Chiragov and Others v. Armenia, Application No. 13216/05, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 June 2015
Case of Delfi AS v. Estonia, Application No. 64569/09 Judgment, Grand Chamber, 16 June 2015
Case of Khoroshenko v. Russia, Application No. 41418/04, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 30 June 2015
Case of Oliari and Others v. Italy, Application No. 18766/11 and 36030/11, Fourth Section, Judgment, 21 July 2015
Case of Identoba and Others v. Georgia, Application No. 73235/12, Fourth Section, Judgment, 12 August 2015
Case of Parrillo v. Italy, Application No. 46470/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 27 August 2015
Laurus Invest Hungary KFT and Continental Holding Corporation v. Hungary and 5 Other Applications, Application No. 23265/13, Former Second Section, Decision, 8 September 2015
Case of Perinçek v. Switzerland, Application No. 27510/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 15 October 2015
Case of Vasiliauskas v. Lithuania, Application No. 35343/05, Grand Chamber, 20 October 2015
Affaire M’Bala M’Bala c. France, Requête No. 25239/13, Cinquième Section, Décision, 20 Octobre 2015
Case of Coucred and Hachette Filipacchi Associés v. France, Application No. 40454/07, Judgment, Grand Chamber, 15 November 2015
Affaire M. Özel et autres c. Turquie, Requêtes n. 14350/05, 15245/05 et 16051/05, Deuxième Section, Arrêt, 17 Novembre 2015
Case of Z.H and R.H v. Switzerland, Application No. 60119/12, Third Section, Judgment, 8 December 2015
INTRODUCTORY NOTE, Pablo Antonio Fernandez-Sanchez
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas-Hidalgo, Tarik Atmane Tlemsani, Simona Fanni, Yolanda Gamarra, Rosa Giles-Carnero, Diana Marín Consarnau, Nadia Napoli, Anna Oriolo, Juan Diego Sández Arana, Ángel Tinoco Pastrana, Anna Vigorito, Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo
Case of O’Keeffe v. Ireland, Application No. 35810/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 28 January 2014
Case of Gürtekin and Others v. Cyprus, Application Nos. 60441/13, 68206/13 and 68667/13, Fourth Section, Decision, 11 March 2014
Case of Kurić and Others v. Slovenia, Application No. 26828/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment (Just Satisfaction), 12 March 2014
Case of Cyprus v. Turkey, Application No. 25781/94, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 May 2014
Case of Jones and Others v. The United Kingdom, Application Nos. 34356/06 and 40528/06, Judgment, Fourth Section, 6 June 2014
Case of Mennesson v. France, Application No. 65192/11, Fifth Section, Judgment, 26 June 2014
Case of S.A.S. v. France, Application No. 43835/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2014
Case of Georgia v. Russia (I), Application No. 13255/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 July 2014
Case of Dhahbi v. Italy, Application No. 17120/09, Second Section, Judgment, 8 July 2014
Case of Hämäläinen v. Finland, Application No. 37359/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 July 2014
Case of Svinarenko and Slyadnev v. Russia, Applications Nos. 32541/08 and 43441/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 July 2014
Case of Al Nashiri v. Poland, Application No. 28761/11, Former Fourth Section, Judgment, 24 July 2014
Case of Brincat and Others v. Malta, Applications Nos. 60908/11, 62110/11, 62129/11, 62312/11 and 62338/11, Fifth Section, Judgment, 24 July 2014
Case of Husayn (Abu Zubaydah) v. Poland, Application No. 7511/13, Former Fourth Section, Judgment, 24 July 2014
Case of Hassan v. The United Kingdom, Application No. 29750/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 September 2014
Case of Velyo Velev v. Bulgaria, Application No. 16032/07, Fourth Section, Judgment, 27 August 2014
Case of Mocanu and Others v. Romania, Applications Nos. 10865/09, 45886/07 and 32431/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 September 2014
Case of Hansen v. Norway, Application No. 15319/09, First Section, Judgment, 2 October 2014
Case of Jeunesse v. The Netherlands, Application No. 12738/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 October 2014
Case of Jelić v. Croatia, Application No. 57856/11, First Section, Judgment, 13 October 2014
Case of Tarakhel v. Switzerland, Application No. 29217/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 4 November 2014
Case of Jaloud v. The Netherlands, Application No. 47708/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 20 November 2014
Case of Ibrahim and Others v. The United Kingdom, Applications Nos. 50541/08, 50571/08, 50573/08 and 40351/09, Fourth Section, Judgment, 16 December 2014
INTRODUCTORY NOTE, Daniel Sarmiento & Polina Pavlova
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Giulia Bittoni, Marina Borkoveca, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza, Guglielmo Cantillo, Tess Crean, Caterina Dereatti, Ingrid Dussard, Andrea Grgić, Vicky Hanley-Emilsson, Sven Kaufmann, Michael George Loizou, Nadia Napoli, Garyfalia Nikolakaki, Pilar Núñez Ruiz, Cristina Maria Prunaru, Alessandro Spano, Zsófia Varga, Anna Vigorito
Associazione italiana delle società concessionarie per la costruzione e l’esercizio di autostrade e trafori stradali (Aiscat) v. European Commission, Case T-182/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 15 January 2013
Bruno Gollnisch v. European Parliament, Joined Cases T-346/11 and T-347/11, First Chamber, Judgment, 17 January 2013
Bank Saderat Iran v. Council of the European Union, Case T-494/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 5 February 2013
Brugola Service International Srl (BSI) c. Conseil de l’Union européenne, Affaire T-551/11, Septième Chambre, Ordonnance, 5 Février 2013
Bilbaína de Alquitranes et al. v. European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Case T-93/10, Seventh Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 7 March 2013
Republic of Poland v. European Commission, Case T-370/11, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 7 March 2013
Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto Teosto ry v. European Commission, Case T-401/08, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 12 April 2013
Sanco, SA v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-249/11, First Chamber, Judgment, 14 May 2013
Federal Republic of Germany v. European Commission, Case T-198/12 R, Order of the President of the General Court, 15 May 2013
Laboratoires CTRS v. European Commission, Case T-301/12, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 4 July 2013
Belgische Vereniging van handelaars in- en uitvoerders geslepen diamant (BVGD) v. European Commission, Joined Cases T-104/07 and T-339/08, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 11 July 2013
SA.PAR. Srl c. Office de l’harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) (OHMI), Affaire T-321/10, Sixième Chambre, Arrêt, 11 Juillet 2013
Persia International Bank plc v. Council of the European Union, Case T-493/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 6 September 2013
Deutsche Bahn AG et al. c. Commission européenne, Affaires Jointes T-289/11, T-290/11 et T-521/11, Quatrième Chambre, Arrêt, 6 Septembre 2013
République fédérale d’Allemagne c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-347/09, Cinquième Chambre, Arrêt, 12 Septembre 2013
Poste Italiane c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-525/08, Sixième Chambre, Arrêt, 13 Septembre 2013
ClientEarth v. European Commission, Case T-111/11, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 13 September 2013
Galp Energía España, SA, Petróleos de Portugal (Petrogal), SA, and Galp Energia, SGPS, SA v. European Commission, Case T-462/07, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 16 September 2013
Compañia Española de Petróleos (CEPSA), SA c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-497/07, Huitième Chambre, Arrêt, 16 Septembre 2013
Stichting Greenpeace Nederland and Pesticide Action Network Europe (PAN Europe) v. European Commission, Case T-545/11, Second Chamber, Judgment, 8 October 2013
Hungary v. European Commission, Case T-240/10, First Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 13 December 2013
Systematic Index of the Sub-Section
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Bernd Bertelmann, Marina Borkoveca, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza, Giulia Bittoni, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Tess Crean, Caterina Dereatti, Andrea Grgić, Vicky Hanley-Emilsson, Sara Iglesias Sánchez, Sven Kaufmann, Giovanna Lanni, Garyfalia Nikolakaki, Pilar Núñez Ruiz, Cristina Maria Prunaru, Carmine Renzulli, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Nadezhda Todorova, Caterina Tuosto, Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo)
Jozef Križan and Others v. Slovenská Inšpekcia Životného Prostredia, Case C-416/10, Judgment, Grand Chamber, 15 January 2013
Ciprian Vasile Radu, Case C-396/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 29 January 2013
Åklagaren v. Hans Åkerberg Fransson, Case C-617/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 February 2013
Stefano Melloni v. Ministerio Fiscal, Case C-399/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 February 2013
Swiss Confederation v. European Commission, Case C-547/10 P, Third Chamber, Judgment, 7 March 2013
The Queen, on the application of David Edwards and Lilian Pallikaropoulos v. Environment Agency, First Secretary of State, and Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Case C-260/11, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 11 April 2013
European Commission v. Systran SA and Systran Luxembourg SA, Case C-103/11 P, First Chamber, Judgment, 18 April 2013
Laurent Gbagbo and Others v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases C-478/11 P to C-482/11 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 April 2013
Jyske Bank Gibraltar Ltd v. Administración del Estado, Case C-212/11, Third Chamber, Judgment, 25 April 2013
Asociaţia Accept v. Consiliul Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării, Case C-81/12, Third Chamber, Judgment, 25 April 2013
Abdulbasit Abdulrahim v. Council of the European Union and European Commission, Case C-239/12 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 28 May 2013
Jeremy F v. Premier ministre, C-168/13 PPU, Second Chamber, Judgment, 30 May 2013
ZZ v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-300/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 4 June 2013
The Queen, on the application of MA, BT, DA v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, C-648/11, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 6 June 2013
Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde and Bundeskartellanwalt v. Schenker & Co. AG and Others, Case C-681/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 18 June 2013
European Commission and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Yassin Abdullah Kadi, Joined Cases C-584/10 P, C-593/10 P and C-595/10 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 18 July 2013
Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd, Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH v. DEMO Anonimos Viomikhaniki kai Emporiki Etairia Farmakon, Case C-414/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 18 July 2013
M.G., N.R. v. Staatssecretaris van Veiligheid en Justitie, Case C-383/13 PPU, Second Chamber, Judgment, 10 September 2013
The Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs v. Sunico ApS and Others, Case C-49/12, Third Chamber, Judgment, 12 September 2013
Leyla Ecem Demirkan v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Case C-221/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 September 2013
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Case C-583/11 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 October 2013
Peter Pinckney v. KDG Mediatech AG, Case C-170/12, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 3 October 2013
United Antwerp Maritime Agencies (Unamar) NV v. Navigation Maritime Bulgare, Case C-184/12, Third Chamber, Judgment, 17 October 2013
Michael Schwarz v. Stadt Bochum, Case C-291/12, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 17 October 2013
Staat der Nederlanden v. Essent NV, Essent Nederland BV, Eneco Holding NV and Delta NV, Joined Cases C-105/12 to C-107/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 22 October 2013
Bundesrepublik Deutschland v. Kaveh Puid, Case C-4/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 14 November 2013
Council of the European Union v. Fulmen and Fereydoun Mahmoudian, Case C-280/12 P, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 28 November 2013
Shamso Abdullahi v. Bundesasylamt, Case C-394/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 December 2013
Frédéric Hay v. Crédit agricole mutuel de Charente-Maritime et des Deux-Sèvres, Case C-267/12, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 12 December 2013
Rahmanian Koushkaki v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Case C-84/12, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 December 2013
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Federico Bianchi, Antoine Briand, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Tess Crean, Anna Czubinski, Antonietta Elia, Giovanna Lanni, Nadia Napoli, Loris Nicoletti, Guillaume Perret, Giacomo Reali, Céline Remy, Carmine Renzulli, Alexandra Vacaru
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) v. European Commission, Case T-385/07, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 17 February 2011
Republic of Latvia v. European Commission, Case T-369/07, Third Chamber, Judgment, 22 March 2011
Access Info Europe v. Council of the European Union, Case T-233/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 22 March 2011
Portuguese Republic v. European Commission, Case T-33/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 29 March 2011
Visa Europe Ltd and Visa International Service v. European Commission, Case T-461/07, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 14 April 2011
Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais et Communauté d’agglomération du Douaisis c. Commission européenne, Affaires Jointes T-267/08 et T-279/08, Huitième Chambre, Arrêt, 12 Mai 2011
Arkema France v. European Commission, Case T-343/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 17 May 2011
Ciarán Toland v. European Parliament, Case T-471/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 7 June 2011
Nadiany Bamba v. Conseil de l’Union européenne, Affaire T-86/11, Cinquième Chambre, Arrêt, 8 Juin 2011
Eurallumina SpA v. European Commission, Case T-62/06, Order of the President, 9 June 2011
Toshiba Corp. v. European Commission, Case T-113/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2011
Fuji Electric Co. Ltd v. European Commission, Case T-132/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2011
Mitsubishi Electric Corp. v. European Commission, Case T-133/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2011
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. Parliament and Council, Case T-18/10, Seventh Chamber, Order, 6 September 2011
Deltafina SpA v. European Commission, Case T-12/06, Third Chamber, Judgment, 9 September 2011
République Française c. Commission Européenne, Affaire T-257/07, Troisième Chambre, Arrêt, 9 Septembre 2011
Regione autonoma della Sardegna, SF Turistico Immobiliare Srl, Timsas Srl et Grand Hotel Abi d’Oru SpA c. Commission européenne, Affaires Jointes T-394/08, T-408/08, T-453/08 et T-454/08, Quatrième Chambre, Arrêt, 20 Septembre 2011
Couture Tech Ltd. v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-232/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 20 September 2011
PAKI Logistics GmbH c. Office de l’harmonisation dans le marché intérieur (marques, dessins et modèles) (OHMI), Affaire T-526/09, Troisième Chambre, Arrêt, 5 octobre 2011
Association belge des consommateurs test-achats ASBL v. European Commission, Case T-224/10, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 12 October 2011
Idromacchine Srl et al. c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-88/09, Quatrième Chambre, Arrêt, 8 Novembre 2011
Jose Maria Sison v. Council of the European Union, Case T-341/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 23 November 2011
HTTS Hanseatic Trade Trust & Shipping GmbH v. Council of the European Union, Case T-562/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 7 December 2011
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Elisa Baroncini, María Esther Blas López, Antoine Briand, Guglielmo Cantillo, Anna Czubinski, Erietta Exarchopoulou, Marion Ho-Dac, Giovanna Lanni, Nadia Napoli, Loris Nicoletti, Céline Remy, Carmine Renzulli, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Maria Grazia Surace, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito, Anita Zikmane
Association belge des Consommateurs Test-Achats ASBL, Yann van Vugt, Charles Basselier v. Conseil des ministres, Case C-236/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 1 March 2011
Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v. Office national de l’emploi (ONEm), Case C-34/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 8 March 2011
Maurits Casteels v. British Airways plc, Case C-379/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 10 March 2011
Heiko Koelzsh v. État du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Case C-29/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 15 March 2011
European Commission v. Italian Republic, Case C-565/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 29 March 2011
ArcelorMittal Luxembourg SA v. European Commission and European Commission v. ArcelorMittal Luxembourg SA, ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange SA, ArcelorMittal International SA, Joined Cases C-201/09 P and C-216/09 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 29 March 2011
Société fiduciaire nationale d’expertise comptable v. Ministre du Budget, des Comptes publics et de la Fonction publique, Case C-119/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 April 2011
Christina Ioanni Toki v. Ipourgos Ethnikis Pedias kai Thriskevmaton, Case C-424/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 April 2011
Francesco Guarnieri & Cie v. Vandevelde Eddy VOF, Case C-291/09, First Chamber, Judgment, 7 April 2011
DHL Express France SAS v. Chronopost SA, Case C-235/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 April 2011
Criminal Proceedings Against Hassen El Dridi, alias Karim Soufi, Case C-61/11 PPU, First Chamber, Judgment, 28 April 2011
Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów v. Tele2 Polska sp. z o.o., now Netia SA, Case C-375/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 May 2011
Shirley McCarthy v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-434/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 5 May 2011
Jürgen Römer v. Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Case C-147/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 May 2011
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland, Landesverband Nordrhein Westfalen eV v. Bezirksregierung Arnsberg, Case C 115/09, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 12 May 2011
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) v. JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, Frankfurt Branch, Case C-144/10, Third Chamber, Judgment, 12 May 2011
European Commission v. Kingdom of Belgium, Case C-47/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 May 2011
Pfleiderer AG v. Bundeskartellamt, Case C-360/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 14 June 2011
Gebr. Weber GmbH v. Jürgen Wittmer and Ingrid Putz v. Medianess Electronics GmbH, Joined cases C-65/09 and C-87/09, First Chamber, Judgment, 16 June 2011
Edwin Co. Ltd v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Elio Fiorucci, Case C 263/09 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 July 2011
L’Oréal SA, Lancôme parfums et beauté & Cie SNC, Laboratoire Garnier & Cie, L’Oréal (UK) Ltd v. eBay International AG, eBay Europe SARL, eBay (UK) Ltd, Stephen Potts, Tracy Ratchford, Marie Ormsby, James Clarke, Joanna Clarke, Glen Fox, Rukhsana Bi, Case C-324/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2011
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v. Maria Dias, Case C-325/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 21 July 2011
Monsanto and Others v. Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche, Joined Cases C-58/10 to C-68/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 8 September 2011
Reinhard Prigge, Michael Fromm, Volker Lambach v. Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Case C-447/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 13 September 2011
Criminal Proceeding Against Jochen Dickinger and Franz Ömer, Case C-347/09, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 15 September 2011
Elf Aquitaine SA c. Commission européenne, Affaire C-521/09 P, Deuxième Chambre, Arrêt, 29 Septembre 2011
Football Association Premier League Ltd, NetMed Hellas SA, Multichoice Hellas SA v. QC Leisure, David Richardson, AV Station plc, Malcolm Chamberlain, Michael Madden, SR Leisure Ltd, Philip George Charles Houghton, Derek Owen and Karen Murphy and Karen Murphy v. Media Protection Services Ltd, Joined Cases C-403/08 and C-429/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 4 October 2011
Scarlet Extended SA v. Société belge des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs SCRL (SABAM), Case C-70/10, Third Chamber, Judgment, 24 November 2011
French Republic v. People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, Case C-27/09 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 December 2011
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Besançon v. Thomas Dutrueux, Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie du Jura, Case C-495/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 December 2011
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Giulia Bittoni, Guglielmo Cantillo, Tess Crean, Caterina Dereatti, Vicky Hanley-Emilsson, Sally Janssen, Giovanna Lanni, Michael Loizou, Nadia Napoli, Pilar Núñez Ruiz, Anna Oriolo Cristina Maria Prunaru, Roberto Soprano, Maria Grazia Surace
Global Community Yearbook of International Law & Jurisprudence 13 (2013-II): 583-644
Peeters Landbouwmachines BV v. Office for Harmonisation in the Official Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-33/11, Second Chamber, Judgment, 14 February 2012
Christina Arrieta D. Gross v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-298/10, Third Chamber, Judgment, 8 March 2012
Fulmen and Fereydoun Mahmoudian v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases T-439/10 and T-440/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 21 March 2012
Ryanair Ltd v. European Commission, Case T-123/09, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 28 March 2012
Telefónica, SA and Telefónica de España, SA v. European Commission, Case T-336/07, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 29 March 2012
Sophie in ‘t Veld v. Council of the European Union, Case T-529/09, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 4 May 2012
MasterCard, Inc. and MasterCard Europe v. European Commission, Case T-111/08, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 24 May 2012
Europäischer Wirtschaftsverband der Eisen- und Stahlindustrie (Eurofer) ASBL v. European Commission, Case T-381/11, Seventh Chamber, Order, 4 June 2012
Vereniging Milieudefensie and Stichting Stop Luchtverontreiniging Utrecht v. European Commission, Case T-396/09, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 14 June 2012
Microsoft Corp. v. European Commission, Case T-167/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 27 June 2012
E.ON Ruhrgas AG and E.ON AG v. European Commission, Case T-360/09, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 29 June 2012
Corsica Ferries France SAS c. Commission de l’Union européenne, Affaire T-565/08, Quatrième Chambre, Arrêt, 11 Septembre 2012
Hellenic Republic v. European Commission, Case T-52/12 R, President of the General Court, Order, 19 September 2012
Shell Petroleum NV, The Shell Transport and Trading Company Ltd and Shell Nederland Verkoopmaatschappij BV v. European Commission, Case T-343/06, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 27 September 2012
Koninklijke Wegenbouw Stevin BV c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-357/06, Sixième Chambre, Arrêt, 27 Septembre 2012
French Republic v. European Commission, Case T-139/09, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 27 September 2012
Ivan Jurašinović c. Conseil de l’Union Européenne, Affaire T-465/09, Deuxième Chambre Élargie, Arrêt, 3 Octobre 2012
Coordination bruxelloise d’institutions sociales et de santé (CBI) c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-137/10, Cinquième Chambre, Arrêt, 7 Novembre 2012
Nexans France SAS and Nexans SA v. European Commission, Case T-135/09, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 14 November 2012
Anotati Dioikisi Enoseon Dimosion Ypallilon (ADEDY), Spyridon Papaspyros and Ilias Iliopoulos c. Conseil de l’Union européenne, Affaire T-541/10, Première Chambre, Ordonnance, 27 Novembre 2012
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Giulia Bittoni, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Caterina Dereatti, Vicky Hanley-Emilsson, Sally Janssen, Nadia Napoli, Anna Oriolo, Cristina Maria Prunaru, Carmine Renzulli, Pilar Núñez Ruiz, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito, Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, Anita Zikmane
Martin Luksan v. Petrus van der Let, Case C-277/10, Third Chamber, Judgment, 9 February 2012
Flachglas Torgau GmbH v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-204/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 14 February 2012
Marie-Noëlle Solvay and Others v. Région Wallonne, Case C-182/10, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 16 February 2012
Melli Bank plc v. Council of the European Union, Case C-380/09 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 13 March 2012
Pye Phyo Tay Za v. Council of the European Union, Case C-376/10 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 13 March 2012
G v. Cornelius de Visser, Case C-292/10, First Chamber, Judgment, 15 March 2012
Interseroh Scrap and Metal Trading GmbH v. Sonderabfall-Management-Gesellschaft Rheinland-Pfalz mbH (SAM), Case C-1/11, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 29 March 2012
Servet Kamberaj v. Istituto per l’Edilizia sociale della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano (IPES), Giunta della Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Provincia autonoma di Bolzano, Case C-571/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 April 2012
P. I. v. Oberbürgermeisterin der Stadt Remscheid, Case C-348/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 22 May 2012
European Commission v. Électricité de France, Case C-124/10 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 June 2012
European Commission v. Éditions Odile Jacob SAS, Case C-404/10 P, Third Chamber, Judgment, 28 June 2012
UsedSoft GmbH v. Oracle International Corp., Case C-128/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 July 2012
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-130/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2012
VALE Építési kft, Case C-378/10, Third Chamber, Judgment, 12 July 2012
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-355/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 September 2012
Bundesrepublik Deutschland v. Y (C-71/11) and Z (C-99/11), Joined Cases C-71/11 and C-99/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 September 2012
Secretary of State for the Home Department v. Muhammad Sazzadur Rahman, Fazly Rabby Islam, Mohibullah Rahman, Case C-83/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 5 September 2012
Trade Agency Ltd v. Seramico Investments Ltd, Case C-619/10, First Chamber, Judgment, 6 September 2012
Pioneer Hi Bred Italia Srl v. Ministero delle Politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, Case C-36/11, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 6 September 2012
Hristo Byankov v. Glaven Sekretar na Ministerstvo na Vatreshnite Raboti, Case C-249/11, Second Chamber, Judgment, 4 October 2012
Hungary v. Slovak Republic, Case C-364/10, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 October 2012
Déborah Prete v. Office national de l’emploi, Case C-367/11, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 25 October 2012
Europese Gemeenschap v. Otis NV, General Technic-Otis Sàrl, Kone Belgium NV, Kone Luxembourg Sàrl, Schindler NV, Schindler Sàrl, ThyssenKrupp Liften Ascenseurs NV, ThyssenKrupp Ascenseurs Luxembourg Sàrl, Case C-199/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 November 2012
K v. Bundesasylamt, Case C-245/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 November 2012
Yoshikazu Iida v. Stadt Ulm, Case C-40/11, Third Chamber, Judgment, 8 November 2012
Stichting Al-Aqsa v. Council of the European Union (Case C-539/10 P) and Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Stichting Al-Aqsa (Case C-550/10 P), Joined Cases C-539/10 P and C-550/10 P, Third Chamber, Judgment, 15 November 2012
Thomas Pringle v. Government of Ireland, Ireland, The Attorney General, Case C-370/12, Full Court, Judgment, 27 November 2012
AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc v. European Commission, C-457/10 P, First Chamber, Judgment, 6 December 2012
Mostafa Abed El Karem El Kott, Chadi Amin A Radi, Hazem Kamel Ismail v. Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal, Case C-364/11, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 December 2012
INTRODUCTORY NOTE, Céline Remy & Maria Grazia Surace
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Elisa Baroncini, Valentina Barone, Antonietta Elia, Oran Kiazim, Giovanna Lanni, Vesna Naglič, Nadia Napoli, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Céline Remy, Carmine Renzulli, Maria Grazia Surace, Anna Vigorito
Arcelor SA v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Case T-16/04, Third Chamber, Judgment, 2 March 2010
Artegodan GmbH v. Commission européenne, Affaire T-429/05, Sixième Chambre, Arrêt, 3 Mars 2010
Bruno Gollnisch v. European Parliament, Case T 42/06, Third Chamber, Judgment, 19 March 2010
Gütermann AG et Zwicky & Co. AG v. European Commission, Joined Cases T-456/05 and T-457/05, Judgment, 28 April 2010
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and Others v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Case T-18/10 R, Order of the President of the General Court, 30 April 2010
IMI plc, IMI Kynoch Ltd and Yorkshire Copper Tube v. European Commission, Case T-18/05, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 19 May 2010
Chalkor AE Epexergasias Metallon v. European Commission, Case T-21/05, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 19 May 2010
Mediaset SpA v. European Commission, Case T-177/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 15 June 2010
Eugenia Montero Padilla v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHMI), Case T-255/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 22 June 2010
AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc v. European Commission, Case T-321/05, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2010
Métropole télévision (M6) et Télévision française 1 SA (TF1) c. Commission européenne, Affaires Jointes T-568/08 et T-573/08, Cinquième Chambre, Arrêt, 1er Juillet 2010
Babcock Noell Gmbh v. The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy, Case T-299/10 R, Order of the President of the General Court, 31 August 2010
Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy, Umicore SA/NV v. European Commission, Case T-532/08, Grand Chamber, Order, 7 September 2010
Confédération Suisse v. Commission Européenne, Affaire T-319/05, Cinquième Chambre, Arrêt, 9 Septembre 2010
République hellénique Olympiakes Aerogrammes AE et Olympiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies AE c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-415/05, Sixième chambre, Arrêt, 13 Septembre 2010
Trioplast Industrier AB c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-40/06, Sixième chambre, Arrêt, 13 Septembre 2010
Yassin Abdullah Kadi v. European Commission, Case T 85/09, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 30 September 2010
Ryanair Ltd v. European Commission, Cases T-494/08 to T-500/08 and T-509/08, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 10 December 2010
E.ON Energie AG c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-141/08, Huitième Chambre, Arrêt, 15 Décembre 2010
Systran SA et Systran Luxembourg SA c. Commission européenne, Affaire T-19/07, Troisième chambre, Arrêt, 16 Décembre 2010
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas, Elisa Baroncini, María Esther Blas López, Antoine Briand, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Sarah Enright, Marion Ho-Dac, Oran Kiazim, Giovanna Lanni, Nadia Napoli, Michele Nino, Maarja Oras, Anna Oriolo, Céline Remy, Carmine Renzulli, Emilio Sessa, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Maria Grazia Surace, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito, Anita Zikmane
Zentrale zur Bekämpfung Unlauteren Wettbewerbs eV v. Plus Warenhandelsgesellschaft mbH, Case C-304/08, First Chamber, Judgment, 14 January 2010
Seda Kücükdeveci v. Swedex GmbH & Co. KG, Case C-555/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 January 2010
Transportes Urbanos y Servicios Generales SAL v. Administración del Estado, Case C-118/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 January 2010
Maria Teixeira v. London Borough of Lambeth, Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-480/08, Judgment, 23 February 2010
Car Trim GmbH v. KeySafety Systems Srl, Case C-381/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 25 February 2010
Brita GmbH v. Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Hafen, Case C-386/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 25 February 2010
Janko Rottmann v. Freistaat Bayern, Case C-135/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 2 March 2010
Aydin Salahadin Abdulla, Kamil Hasan, Ahmed Adem, Hamrin Mosa Rashi, Dler Jamal v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Joined Cases C-175/08, C-176/08, C-178/08 and C-179/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 2 March 2010
European Communities v. Italian Republic, Case C-297/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 4 March 2010
Raffinerie Mediterranee (ERG) SpA and Others v. Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico and Others and ENI SpA v. Ministero Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare and Others, Joined Cases C-379/08 and C-380/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 March 2010
Olympique Lyonnais SASP v. Olivier Bernard, Newcastle United FC, Case C-325/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 March 2010
Google France SARL, Google Inc. v. Louis Vuitton Malletier SA, Google France SARL v. Viaticum SA, Luteciel SARL, and Google France SARL v. Centre National de Recherche en Relations Humaines (CNRRH) SARL, Pierre-Alexis Thonet, Bruno Raboin, Tiger SARL, Joined Cases C-236/08 to C-238/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 March 2010
Nicolas Bressol and Others, Céline Chaverot and Others v. Gouvernement de la Communauté française, Case C-73/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 13 April 2010
Ladbrokes Betting & Gaming Ltd, Ladbrokes International Ltd v Stichting de Nationale Sporttotalisator, Case C-258/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 3 June 2010
Nawras Bolbol v. Bevándorlási és Állampolgársági Hivatal, Case C-31/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 June 2010
Criminal Proceedings Against E and F, Case C-550/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 29 June 2010
Doris Povse v. Mauro Alpago, Case C-211/10 PPU, Third Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2010
Monsanto Technology LLC v. Cefetra BV, Cefetra Feed Service BV, Cefetra Futures BV, Alfred C. Toepfer International GmbH, Case C-428/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 July 2010
European Commission v. Portuguese Republic, Case C-171/08, First Chamber, Judgment, 8 July 2010
European Commission v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-271/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 15 July 2010
Bianca Purrucker v. Guillermo Vallés Pérez, Case C-256/09, Second Chamber, Judgment, 15 July 2010
European Commission v. Deutsche Post AG, Case C-399/08 P, First Chamber, Judgment, 2 September 2010
Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd, Akcros Chemicals Ltd v. European Commission, Case C-550/07 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 14 September 2010
Pedro Manuel Roca Álvarez v. Sesa Start España ETT SA, Case C-104/09, Second Chamber, Judgment, 30 September 2010
Gisela Rosenbladt v. Oellerking Gebäudereinigungsges. mbH, Case C-45/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 12 October 2010
Albron Catering BV v. FNV Bondgenoten, John Roest, Case C-242/09, Third Chamber, Judgment, 21 October 2010
VB Pénzügyi Lízing Zrt. v. Ferenc Schneider, Case C-137/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 November 2010
Bundesrepublik Deutschland v. B, D, Joined Cases C-57/09 and C-101/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 November 2010
Gaetano Mantello, Case C-261/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 November 2010
Lidl SNC v. Vierzon Distribution SA, Case C-159/09, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 18 November 2010
Land Baden-Württemberg v. Panagiotis Tsakouridis, Case C-145/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 November 2010
Peter Pammer v. Reederei Karl Schlüter GmbH & Co KG and Hotel Alpenhof GesmbH v. Oliver Heller, Joined Cases C-585/08 and C-144/09, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 7 December 2010
DEB Deutsche Energiehandels- und Beratungsgesellschaft mbH v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Case C-279/09, Second Chamber, Judgment, 22 December 2010
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas Hidalgo, Tarik Atmane, Elisa Baroncini, Federico Bianchi, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Antonietta Elia, Nadia Napoli, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Carmine Renzulli, Matthias Schmidl, Emilio Sessa, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Anna Vigorito, Nicolò Zingales
Borax Europe Ltd v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-121/05, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 11 March 2009
Télévision française 1 SA (TF1) v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-354/05, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 11 March 2009
Alberto Jorge Moreira da Fonseca, Lda v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Joined Cases T-318/06 to 321/06, Second Chamber, Judgment, 24 March 2009
Outokumpu Oyj and Luvata Oy v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-122/04, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 6 May 2009
Elio Fiorucci v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-165/06, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 14 May 2009
Republic of Poland v. Commission of the European Communities Case T-257/04, First Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 10 June 2009
Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Industrial Group Co. Ltd v. Council of the European Union, Case T-498/04, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 17 June 2009
Danjaq LLC v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-435/05, Second Chamber, Judgment, 30 June 2009
ThyssenKrupp Stainless AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-24/07, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2009
Melli Bank plc v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases T-246/08 and T-332/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 9 July 2009
Mohamed El Morabit c. Conseil de l’Union Européenne, Affaires Jointes T-37/07 et T-323/07, Deuxième Chambre, Arrêt, 2 Septembre 2009
Cheminova and Others v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-326/07, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 3 September 2009
Fondation européenne pour la formation (ETF) c. Pia Landgren, Affaire T-404/06 P, Chambre des Pourvois, Arrêt, 8 Septembre 2009
Brink’s Security Luxembourg SA c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-437/05, Sixième Chambre, Arrêt, 9 Septembre 2009
Republic of Estonia v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-263/07, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 23 September 2009
Hoechst GmbH v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-161/05, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 30 September 2009
Jose Maria Sison v. Council of the European Union, Case T-341/07, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 30 September 2009
Commission of the European Communities v. Anton Pieter Roodhuijzen, Case T-58/08 P, Appeal Chamber, Judgment, 5 October 2009
Vischim Srl v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-420/05, Sixth Chamber, Judgment, 7 October 2009
Ferrero SpA v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM), Case T-140/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 14 October 2009
République Française et France Télécom SA c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaires Jointes T-427/04 et T-17/05, Troisième Chambre, Arrêt, 30 Novembre 2009
Électricité de France (EDF) c. Commission Européenne, Affaire T-156/04, Troisième Chambre, Arrêt, 15 Décembre 2009
Jean Arizmendi c. Conseil de l’Union Européenne et Commission Européenne, Affaires Jointes T-440/03, T-121/04, T-171/04, T-208/04 T-365/04 et T-484/04, Troisième Chambre, Arrêt, 18 Décembre 2009
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas, Elisa Baroncini, Valentina Barone, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Alfonso Crudele, Antonietta Elia, Nadia Napoli, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Carmine Renzulli, Matthias Schmidl, Emilio Sessa, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito
Sony Music Entertainment (Germany) GmbH v. Falcon Neue Medien Vertrieb GmbH, Case C-240/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 20 January 2009
Migrationsverket v. Edgar Petrosian, Nelli Petrosian, Svetlana Petrosian, David Petrosian, Maxime Petrosian, Case C-19/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 29 January 2009
Ireland v. European Parliament, Council of the European Union, Case C-301/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 February 2009
Allianz SpA, Generali Assicurazioni Generali SpA v. West Tankers Inc., Case C-185/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 February 2009
Meki Elgafaji, Noor Elgafaji v. Staatssecretaris van Justitie, Case C-465/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 February 2009
Mehmet Soysal, Ibrahim Savatli v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Case C-228/06, First Chamber, Judgment, 19 February 2009
Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Austria, Case C-205/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 March 2009
Unión de Televisiones Comerciales Asociadas (UTECA) v. Administración General del Estado, Case C-222/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 5 March 2009
Gottfried Heinrich, Case C-345/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 March 2009
Hartlauer Handelsgesellschaft mbH v. Wiener Landesregierung, Oberösterreichische Landesregierung, Case C-169/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 10 March 2009
Frede Damgaard, Case C-421/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 2 April 2009
A., Case C-523/07, Third Chamber, Judgment, 2 April 2009
Meletis Apostolides v. David Charles Orams, Linda Elizabeth Orams, Case C-420/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 28 April 2009
Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, Wam SpA, Case C-494/06 P, First Chamber, Judgment, 30 April 2009
Fachverband der Buch- und Medienwirtschaft v. LIBRO Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Case C-531/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 30 April 2009
Apothekerkammer des Saarlandes, Marion Schneider, Michael Holzapfel, Fritz Trennheuser, Deutscher Apothekerverband eV, Helga Neumann-Seiwert v. Saarland, Ministerium für Justiz, Gesundheit und Soziales, DocMorris NV, Joined Cases C-171/07 and C-172/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 19 May 2009
Aklagaren v. Percy Mickelsson, Joakim Roos, Case C-142/05, Second Chamber, Judgment, 4 June 2009
Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-480/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 June 2009
David Hütter v. Technische Universität Graz, Case C-88/08, Third Chamber, Judgment, 18 June 2009
Roda Golf & Beach Resort SL, Case C-14/08, Third Chamber, Judgment, 25 June 2009
Fundación Española Para la Innovación de la Artesanía (FEIA) v. Cul de Sac Espacio Creativo SL, Acierta Product & Position SA, Case C-32/08, First Chamber, Judgment, 2 July 2009
SCT Industri AB i likvidation v. Alpenblume AB, Case C-111/08, First Chamber, Judgment, 2 July 2009
Peter Rehder v. Air Baltic Corporation, Case C-204/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 9 July 2009
Commission of the European Communities v. Republic of Poland, Case C-165/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 16 July 2009
Laszlo Hadadi (Hadady) v. Csilla Marta Mesko, Married Name Hadadi (Hadady), Case C-168/08, Third Chamber, Judgment, 16 July 2009
Futura Immobiliare srl Hotel Futura, Meeting Hotel, Hotel Blanc, Hotel Clyton, Business srl v. Comune di Casoria, Case C-254/08, Second Chamber, Judgment, 16 July 2009
Liga Portuguesa de Futebol Profissional, Bwin International Ltd, Formerly Baw International Ltd. v. Departamento de Jogos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, Case C-42/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 8 September 2009
Akavan Erityisalojen Keskusliitto AEK ry and Others v. Fujitsu Siemens Computers Oy, Case No. C-44/08, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 10 September 2009
Foshan Shunde Yongjian Housewares & Hardware Co. Ltd v. Council of the European Union, Case C-141/08 P, First Chamber, Judgment, 1 October 2009
Intercontainer Interfrigo SC (ICF) v. Balkenende Oosthiuizen BV, MIC Operations BV, Case C-133/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 October 2009
Dominic Wolzenburg, Case C-123/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 October 2009
Christel Meerts v. Proost NV, Case C-116/08, Third Chamber, Judgment, 22 October 2009
María Julia Zurita García, Aurelio Choque Cabrera v. Delegado del Gobierno en la Región de Murcia, Joined Cases C-261/08 and C-348/08, Third Chamber, Judgment, 22 October 2009
Land Oberösterreich v. ČEZ as, Case C-115/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 27 October 2009
European Commission v. Ireland, French Republic, Italian Republic, Eurallumina SpA, Aughinish Alumina Ltd, Case C-89/08 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 2 December 2009
INTRODUCTORY NOTE, Anna Oriolo, Michele Nino & Anna Vigorito
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Elisabetta Bergamini, Federico Bianchi, Sébastien Brisard, Guglielmo Cantillo, Alessandra Compassi, Alfonso Crudele, Antonietta Elia, Anke Geppert, Sally Janssen, Michele Nino, Chiara Noto, Anna Oriolo, Jasmine Popova, Céline Remy, Alessandro Spano, Anna Vigorito
République de Chypre c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaires Jointes T-54/08 R, T-87/08 R, T-88/08 R et T-91/08 R à T-93/08 R, Ordonnance du Président du Tribunal, 8 Avril 2008
The Coca-Cola Company v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHMI), Case T-175/06, Third Chamber, Judgment, 18 June 2008
Olympiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies AE v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T- 268/06, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 25 June 2008
Região Autónoma dos Açores v. Council of the European Union, Case T-37/04, Third Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2008
AC-Treuhand AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-99/04, Third Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 8 July 2008
Yves Franchet and Daniel Byk v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-48/05, Third Chamber, Judgment, 8 July 2008
Alitalia - Linee Aeree Italiane SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-301/01, Fifth Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 9 July 2008
MyTravel Group plc v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-212/03, Third Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 9 September 2008
MyTravel Group plc v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-403/05, Third Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 9 September 2008
M. c. Médiateur Européen, Affaire T-412/05, Huitième Chambre, Arrêt, 24 Septembre 2008
Sogelma - Societá Generale Lavori Manutenzioni Appalti Srl v. European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR), Case T-411/06, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 8 October 2008
Ashley Neil Mote v. European Parliament, Case T-345/05, Seventh Chamber, Judgment, 15 October 2008
Powerserv Personalservice GmbH v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-405/05, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 15 October 2008
People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran v. Council of the European Union, Case T-256/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 23 October 2008
Lego Juris A/S v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-270/06, Eighth Chamber, Judgment, 12 November 2008
Italian Republic v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-185/05, Fifth Chamber, Judgment, 20 November 2008
Budějovický Budvar, Národní Podnik v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHMI), Joined Cases T-225/06, T-255/06, T-257/06 and T-309/06, First Chamber, Judgment, 16 December 2008
Ryanair Ltd v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-196/04, Eighth Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 17 December 2008
Government of Gibraltar v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-211/04 and T-215/04, Third Chamber (Extended Composition), Judgment, 18 December 2008
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Ruxandra Adam, Nuria Arenas Hidalgo, Tarik Atmane, Elisa Baroncini, Elisabetta Bergamini, Sébastien Brisard, Valentina Casella, Alessandra Compassi, Caterina Dereatti, Patrick Embley, Nadia Napoli, Michele Nino, Jasmine Popova, Céline Remy, Carmine Renzulli, Lina Satkute, Emilio Sessa, Juan Ignacio Signes De Mesa, Roberto Soprano, Krisztina Stump, Maria Grazia Surace, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito, Chiara Vimborsati)
The Queen, on the Application of Ezgi Payir, Burhan Akyuz, Birol Ozturk v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Third Chamber, Case C-294/06, Judgment, 24 January 2008
Productores de Musica de España (Promusicae) v. Telefonica de España SAU, Case C-275/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 29 January 2008
Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-132/05, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 February 2008
Sabine Mayr v. Bäckerei und Konditorei Gerhard Flöckner OHG, Case C-506/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 26 February 2008
Tadao Maruko v. Versorgungsanstalt der Deutschen Bühnen, Case C-267/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 1 April 2008
Dirk Rüffert v. Land Niedersachsen, Case C-346/06, Second Chamber, Judgment, 3 April 2008
Annelore Hamilton v. Volksbank Filder eG, Case C-412/06, First Chamber, Judgment, 10 April 2008
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-133/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 6 May 2008
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-91/05, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 20 May 2008
The Queen on the Application of International Association of Independent Tanker Owners (Intertanko), International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners (Intercargo), Greek Shipping Co-operation Committee, Lloyd’s Register, International Salvage Union v. Secretary of State for Transport, Case C-308/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 June 2008
Commune de Mesquer v. Total France SA, Total International Ltd., Case C-188/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 24 June 2008
Kingdom of Sweden, Maurizio Turco v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases C-39/05 P and C-52/05 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2008
Motosykletistiki Omospondia Ellados NPID (MOTOE) v. Elliniko Dimosio, Case C-49/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 1 July 2008
Centrum voor Gelijkheid van Kansen en voor Racismebestrijding v. Firma Feryn NV, Case C-54/07, Second Chamber, Judgment, 10 July 2008
Ministerul Administraţiei şi Internelor - Direcţia Generală de Paşapoarte Bucureşti v. Gheorghe Jipa, Case C-33/07, First Chamber, Judgment, 10 July 2008
Inga Rinau, Case C-195/08 PPU, Third Chamber, Judgment, 11 July 2008
S. Coleman v. Attridge Law and Steve Law, Case C-303/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 July 2008
Proceedings Concerning the Execution of a European Arrest Warrant Issued Against Szymon Kozłowski, Case C-66/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 17 July 2008
Blaise Baheten Metock, Hanette Eugenie Ngo Ikeng, Christian Joel Baheten, Samuel Zion Ikeng Baheten, Hencheal Ikogho, Donna Ikogho, Roland Chinedu, Marlene Babucke Chinedu, Henry Igboanusi, Roksana Batkowska v. Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Case C-127/08, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 25 July 2008
Yassin Abdullah Kadi, Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases C-402/05 P and C-415/05 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 3 September 2008
Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio SpA (FIAMM), Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio Technologies LLC Formerly Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio Technologies Inc. (FIAMM Technologies) v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases C-120/06 P and C-121/06 P, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 September 2008
Birgit Bartsch v. Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte (BSH) Altersfürsorge GmbH, Case C-427/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 23 September 2008
Stefan Grunkin, Dorothee Regina Paul, Case C-353/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 14 October 2008
Alfonso Luigi Marra v. Eduardo De Gregorio, Antonio Clemente, Joined Cases C-200/07 and C-201/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 21 October 2008
Heemskerk BV, Firma Schaap v. Productschap Vee en Vlees, Case C-455/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 25 November 2008
Criminal Proceedings Against Artur Leymann, Aleksei Pustovarov, Case C-388/08 PPU, Third Chamber, Judgment, 1 December 2008
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-121/07, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 9 December 2008
Heinz Huber v. Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Case C-524/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 December 2008
Cartesio Oktató és Szolgáltató bt, Case C-210/06, Grand Chamber, Judgment, 16 December 2008
Friederike Wallentin-Hermann v. Alitalia - Linee Aeree Italiane SpA, Case C-549/07, Fourth Chamber, Judgment, 22 December 2008
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Federico Bianchi, Guglielmo Cantillo, Alessandra Compassi, Alfonso Crudele, Caterina Deratti, Antonietta Elia, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Emilio Sessa, Alessandro Spano, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito
France Télécom SA, Formerly Wanadoo Interactive SA, v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-340/03, Judgment, 30 January 2007
Leonid Minin v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-362/04, Judgment, 31 January 2007
CAS SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-23/03, Judgment, 6 February 2007
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-387/04, Order, 30 April 2007
Citymo SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-271/04, Judgment, 8 May 2007
Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-182/06, Judgment, 27 June 2007
Jose Maria Sison v. Council of the European Union, Case T-47/03, Judgment, 11 July 2007
Schneider Electric SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-351/03, Judgment, 11 July 2007
Document Security Systems Inc. v. European Central Bank (ECB) T-295/05, Order, 5 September 2007
Olimpiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies AE v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-68/03, Judgment, 12 September 2007
Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Grana Padano v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-291/03, Judgment, 12 September 2007
Association de la Presse Internationale a.s.b.l. (API) v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-36/04, Judgment, 12 September 2007
Union Française de l’Express (UFEX), DHL Express (France) SAS, CRIE SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-60/05, Judgment, 12 September 2007
Akzo Nobel Chemicals Ltd. - Akcros Chemicals Ltd. v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Case T-125/03 and T-253/03, Judgment, 17 September 2007
Microsoft Corp. v. Commission of the European Union, Case T-201/04, Judgment, 17 September 2007
EARL Salvat Père & Fils, Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins Doux Naturels et Vins de Liqueur à Appellations Contrôlées (CIVDN), Comité National des Interprofessions des Vins à Appellation D’origine (CNIV) v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-136/05, Judgment, 20 September 2007
AMS Advanced Medical Services GmbH v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-425/03, Judgment, 18 October 2007
SP SpA, Leali SpA, Acciaierie e Ferriere Leali Luigi SpA, Industrie Riunite Odolesi SpA (IRO), Lucchini SpA, Ferriera Valsabbia SpA, Valsabbia Investimenti SpA, Alfa Acciai SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-27/03, T-46/03, T-58/03, T-79/03, T-80/03, T-97/03 and T-98/03, Judgment, 25 October 2007
Société Anonyme des Eaux Minérales d’Évian (SAEME) v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-407/05, Judgment, 6 November 2007
Federal Republic of Germany v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-374/04, Judgment, 7 November 2007
Kingdom of the Netherlands v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-234/04, Judgment, 8 November 2007
Republic of Hungary v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-310/06, Judgment, 15 November 2007
Athanasios Pitsiorlas v. Council of the European Union and European Central Bank (ECB), Joined Cases T-3/00 and T-337/04, Judgment, 27 November 2007
BASF AG, UCB SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-101/05 and T-111/05, Judgment, 12 December 2007
Akzo Nobel NV, Akzo Nobel Nederland BV, Akzo Nobel Chemicals International BV, Akzo Nobel Chemicals BV, Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals BV v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-112/05, Judgment, 12 December 2007
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas Hidalgo, Elisa Baroncini, Elisabetta Bergamini, Federico Bianchi, Guglielmo Cantillo, Alessandra Compassi, Caterina Deratti, Antonietta Elia, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Chiara Sandri, Roberto Soprano, Alessandro Spano, Caterina Tuosto, Anna Vigorito
Yunying Jia v. Migrationsverket, Case C-1/05, Judgment, 9 January 2007
Osman Ocalan, on Behalf of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Serif Vanly, on Behalf of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) v. Council of the European Union, Case C-229/05 P, Judgment, 18 January 2007
Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of Denmark, Case C-150/04, Judgment, 30 January 2007
Jose Maria Sison v. Council of the European Union, Case C-266/05 P, Judgment, 1 February 2007
Gestoras Pro Amnistía, Juan Mari Olano Olano, Julen Zelarain Errasti v. Council of the European Union, Case C-354/04 P, Judgment, 27 February 2007
Massimiliano Placanica, Christian Palazzese, Angelo Sorricchio, Joined Cases C-338/04, C-359/04 and C-360/04, Judgment, 6 March 2007
Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) v. Kaul GmbH, Bayer AG, Case C-29/05 P, Judgment, 13 March 2007
Unibet (London) Ltd, Unibet (International) Ltd v. Justitiekanslern, Case C-432/05, Judgment, 13 March 2007
British Airways plc v. Commission of the European Communities, Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd, Case C-95/04 P, Judgment, 15 March 2007
Advocaten voor de Wereld VZW v. Leden van de Ministerraad, Case C-303/05, Judgment, 3 May 2007
Klas Rosengren, Bengt Morelli, Hans Särman, Mats Åkerström, Åke Kempe, Anders Kempe, Mats Kempe, Björn Rosengren, Martin Lindberg, Jon Pierre, Tony Staf v. Riksåklagaren, Case C-170/04, Judgment, 5 June 2007; Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-319/05, Judgment, 15 November 2007
J. van der Weerd and Others v. Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit, Joined Cases C-222/05 to C-225/05, Judgment, 7 June 2007
T-Mobile Austria GmbH, 3G Mobile Telecommunications GmbH, Mobilkom Austria AG, Formerly Mobilkom Austria AG & Co. KG, Master-Talk Austria Telekom Service GmbH & Co. KG, ONE GmbH, Hutchison 3G Austria GmbH, Tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH, Tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH, Successor to TRA 3G Mobilfunk GmbH v. Republik Österreich, Case C-284/04, Judgment, 26 June 2007; Hutchison 3G UK Ltd, MmO2 plc, Orange 3G Ltd, T-Mobile (UK) Ltd, Vodafone Group Services Ltd v. Commissioners of Customs and Excise, Case C-369/04, Judgment, 26 June 2007
Ordre des Barreaux Francophones et Germanophone, Ordre Français des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles, Ordre des Barreaux Flamands, Ordre Néerlandais des Avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles v. Conseil des Ministres, Intervening Parties: Conseil des Barreaux de l’Union Européenne, Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Liège, Case C-305/05, Judgment, 26 June 2007
Ministero dell’Industria, del Commercio e dell’Artigianato v. Lucchini SpA, Case C-119/05, Judgment, 18 July 2007
Merck Genéricos - Produtos Farmacêuticos Ldª v. Merck & Co. Inc., Merck Sharp & Dohme Ldª, Case C-431/05, Judgment, 11 September 2007
The Queen, on the Application of Veli Tum, Mehmet Dari v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-16/05, Judgment, 20 September 2007
Sari Kiiski v. Tampereen Kaupunki, Case C-116/06, Judgment, 20 September 2007
Ikea Wholesale Ltd v. Commissioners of Customs & Excise, Case C-351/04, Judgment, 27 September 2007
Gerda Möllendorf, Christiane Möllendorf-Niehuus, Case C-117/06, Judgment, 11 October 2007
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-440/05, Judgment, 23 October 2007
Minister voor Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie v. R.N.G. Eind, Case C-291/05, Judgment, 11 December 2007
International Transport Workers’ Federation; Finnish Seamen’s Union v. Viking Line ABP; OÜ Viking Line Eesti, Case C-438/05, Judgment, 11 December 2007
Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato v. Ente Tabacchi Italiani - ETI SpA, Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc., Philip Morris International Management SA, and Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc., Philip Morris International Management SA v. Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Ente Tabacchi Italiani - ETI SpA, and Philip Morris Products SA, Philip Morris Holland BV, Philip Morris GmbH, Philip Morris Products Inc., Philip Morris International Management SA v. Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Amministrazione Autonoma dei Monopoli di Stato, Ente Tabacchi Italiani - ETI SpA, Case C-280/06, Judgment, 11 December 2007
Laval un Partneri Ltd v. Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet, Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundets avd. 1, Byggettan, Svenska Elektrikerförbundet, Case C-341/05, Judgment, 18 December 2007
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Council of the European Union, Case C-77/05, Judgment, 18 December 2007; United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Council of the European Union, Case C-137/05, Judgment, 18 December 2007
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Tarik Atmane, Federico Bianchi, Alfonso Crudele, Sandra Divialle, Antonietta Elia, Rosa Giles Carnero, Vincent Kronenberger, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Emilio Sessa, Anna Vigorito
Devinlec Développement Innovation Leclerc SA v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-147/03, Judgment, 12 January 2006
Albert Albrecht GmbH & Co. KG and Others v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-251/03, Judgment, 31 January 2006
EURL Le Levant 001 v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-34/02, Judgment, 22 February 2006
Il Ponte Finanziaria SpA v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-194/03, Judgment, 23 February 2006
Develey Holding GmbH & Co. Beteiligungs KG v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-129/04, Judgment, 15 March 2006
Degussa AG c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-279/02, Arrêt, 5 Avril 2006
Deutsche Bahn AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-351/02, Judgment, 5 April 2006
Galileo International Technology LLC, Galileo International LLC, Galileo Belgium SA, Galileo Danmark A/S, Galileo Deutschland GmbH, Galileo España, SA, Galileo France SARL, Galileo Nederland BV, Galileo Nordiska AB, Galileo Portugal Ltd, Galileo Sigma Srl, Galileo International Ltd, The Galileo Co., Timas Ltd c. Commission des Communautées Européennes, Affaire T-279/03, Arrêt, 10 Mai 2006
Air One SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-395/04, Judgment, 10 May 2006
Manfred Danzer & Hannelore Danzer v. Council of the European Communities, Case T-47/02, Judgment, 21 June 2006
Yves Franchet and Daniel Byk v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-391/03 and T-70/04, Judgment, 6 July 2006
La Baronia de Turis, Cooperativa Valenciana c. Office de l’Harmonisation dans le Marché Intérieur (Marques, Dessins et Modèles) (OHMI) et Baron Philippe de Rothschild SA, Affaire T-323/03, Arrêt, 10 Juillet 2006
Chafiq Ayadi v. Council of the European Union, Case T-253/02, Judgment, 12 July 2006
Endesa, SA c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-417/05, Arrêt, 14 Juillet 2006
MIP METRO Group Intellectual Property GmbH & Co. KG v. Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), Case T-191/04, Judgment, 13 September 2006
British Aggregates Association v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-210/02, Judgment, 13 September 2006
Lucchini SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-166/01, Judgment, 19 September 2006
Jungbunzlauer AG c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-43/02, Arrêt, 26 Septembre 2006
Dresdner Bank AG, Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, DVB Bank AG, Commerzbank AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-44/02 OP, T-54/02 OP, T-56/02 OP, T-60/02 OP, T-61/02 OP, Judgment, 27 September 2006
Roquette Frères SA c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-322/01, Arrêt, 27 Septembre 2006
Omar Mohammed Othman v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-318/01 AJ, Order, 27 October 2006
SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-155/04, Judgment, 12 December 2006
Organisation des Modjahedines du Peuple d’Iran v. Council of the European Union, Case T-228/02, Judgment, 12 December 2006
É. R. et Autres c. Conseil de l’Union Européenne et Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-138/03, Arrêt, 13 Décembre 2006
Julia Abad Pérez and Others v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-304/01, Judgment, 13 December 2006
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Nuria Arenas Hidalgo, Elisa Baroncini, Elisabetta Bergamini, Alfonso Crudele, Sandra Divialle, Antonietta Elia, Paolo Fusco, Rosa Giles Carnero, Vincent Kronenberger, Michele Nino, Anna Oriolo, Emilio Sessa, Anna Vigorito
The Queen on the Application of International Air Transport Association, European Low Fares Airline Association v. Department for Transport, Case C-344/04, Judgment, 10 January 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of Spain, Case C-503/03, Judgment, 31 January 2006
Hans-Jürgen Ritter-Coulais, Monique Ritter-Coulais v. Finanzamt Germersheim, Case C-152/03, Judgment, 21 February 2006
Leopold Henri Van Esbroeck, Case C-436/04, Judgment, 9 March 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-177/04, Judgment, 14 March 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-441/02, Judgment, 27 April 2006
Sarah Margaret Richards v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Case C-423/04, Judgment, 27 April 2006
Eurofood IFSC Ltd, Case C-341/04, Judgment, 2 May 2006
The Queen, on the Application of Yvonne Watts v. Bedford Primary Care Trust, Secretary of State for Health, Case C-372/04, Judgment, 16 May 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. Ireland, Case C-459/03, Judgment, 30 May 2006
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases C-317/04 and C-318/04, Judgment, 30 May 2006
Traghetti del Mediterraneo SpA, in liquidation v. Repubblica Italiana, Case C-173/03, Judgment, 13 June 2006
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-540/03, Judgment, 27 June 2006
Gesellschaft für Antriebstechnik mbH & Co. KG v. Lamellen und Kupplungsbau Beteiligungs KG, Case C-4/03, Judgment, 13 July 2006
David Meca-Medina, Igor Majcen v. Commission of the European Communities, Case C-519/04 P, Judgment, 18 July 2006
Kingdom of Spain v. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Case C-145/04, Judgment, 12 September 2006; M.G. Eman, O.B. Sevinger v. College van Burgemeester en Wethouders van Den Haag, Case C-300/04, Judgment, 12 September 2006
Laserdisken ApS v. Kulturministeriet, Case C-479/04, Judgment, 12 September 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, Case C-486/04, Judgment, 23 November 2006
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-413/04, Judgment, 28 November 2006
Commission of the European Communities v. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Case C-32/05, Judgment, 30 November 2006
Federico Cipolla v. Rosaria Fazari, née Portolese, and Stefano Macrino, Claudia Capodarte v. Roberto Meloni, Joined Cases C-94/04 and C-202/04, Judgment, 5 December 2006
Sociedad General de Autores y Editores de España (SGAE) v. Rafael Hoteles SA, Case C-306/05, Judgment, 7 December 2006
ASML Netherlands BV v. Semiconductor Industry Services GmbH (SEMIS), Case C-283/05, Judgment, 14 December 2006
Nokia Corp. v. Joacim Wärdell, Case C-316/05, Judgment, 14 December 2006
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Elisabetta Bergamini, Alfonso Crudele, Sandra Divialle, Vincent Kronenberger, Michele Nino
Chiquita Brands International, Inc., Chiquita Banana Co. BV, Chiquita Italia, SpA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-19/01, Judgment, 3 February 2005
Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) v. Council of the European Union, Case T-206/02, Order, 15 February 2005
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) v. Council of the European Union, Case T-229/02, Order, 15 February 2005
Global Electronic Finance Management (GEF) SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-29/02, Judgment, 15 March 2005
Jose Maria Sison v. Council of the European Union, Joined Cases T-110/03, T-150/03 and T-405/03, Judgment, 26 April 2005
Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd, Intech EDM BV, Intech EDM AG, SGL Carbon AG v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-71/03, T-74/03, T-87/03 and T-91/03, Judgment, 15 June 2005
Ahmed Ali Yusuf, Al Barakaat International Foundation v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-306/01, Judgment, 21 September 2005
Yassin Abdullah Kadi v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-315/01, Judgment, 21 September 2005
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-178/05, Judgment, 23 November 2005
Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio SpA (FIAMM), Fabbrica Italiana Accumulatori Motocarri Montecchio Technologies, Inc. (FIAMM Technologies) v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-69/00, Judgment, 14 December 2005
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Elisabetta Bergamini, Federico Bianchi, Alfonso Crudele, Sandra Divialle, Antonietta Elia, Paolo Fusco, Vincent Kronenberger, Emilio Sessa, Anna Vigorito
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-257/01, Judgment, 18 January 2005
Giorgio Emanuele Mauri v. Ministero della Giustizia, Commissione per gli Esami di Avvocato presso la Corte d’Appello di Milano, Case C-250/03, Order, 17 February 2005
Léon Van Parys NV v. Belgisch Interventie- en Restitutiebureau (BIRB), Case C-377/02, Judgment, 1 March 2005
Criminal Proceedings Brought Against Filomeno Mario Miraglia, Case C-469/03, Judgment, 10 March 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Case C-61/03, Judgment, 12 April 2005
Igor Simutenkov v. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Real Federación Española de Fútbol, Case C-265/03, Judgment, 12 April 2005
Kingdom of Belgium v. Commission of the European Communities, Case C-110/03, Judgment, 14 April 2005
Criminal Proceedings Against Silvio Berlusconi, Sergio Adelchi, Marcello Dell’Utri and Others, Joined Cases C-387/02, C-391/02 and C-403/02, Judgment, 3 May 2005
Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo Rurale (ERSA) v. Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali, Case C-347/03, Judgment, 12 May 2005
Synetairismos Farmakopoion Aitolias & Akarnanias (Syfait) and Others, Panellinios Syllogos Farmakapothikarion, Interfarm – A. Agelakos & Sia OE and Others, K.P. Marinopoulos Anonymos Etairia Emporias Kai Dianomis Farmakeftikon Proïonton and Others v. GlaxoSmithKline plc, GlaxoSmithKline AEVE, formerly Glaxowellcome AEVE, Case C-53/03, Judgment, 31 May 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, Case C-83/03, Judgment, 2 June 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, Case C-174/04, Judgment, 2 June 2005
Criminal Proceedings Against Maria Pupino, Case C-105/03, Judgment, 16 June 2005
Tod’s SpA, Tod’s France SARL v. Heyraud SA, Case C-28/04, Judgment, 30 June 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. Hellenic Republic, Case C-364/03, Judgment, 7 July 2005
The Queen on the Application of Alliance for Natural Health, Nutri Link Ltd, National Association of Health Stores, Health Food Manufacturers Ltd v. Secretary of State for Health, National Assembly for Wales, Joined Cases C-154/04 and C-155/04, Judgment, 12 July 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-304/02, Judgment, 12 July 2005
Lagardère Active Broadcast v. Société pour la Perception de la Rémunération Équitable (SPRE), Gesellscaht zur Verwertung von Leistungsschuttzrechten mbH (GVL), Case C-192/04, Judgment, 14 July 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of Spain, Case C-121/03, Judgment, 8 September 2005
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-176/03, Judgment, 13 September 2005
Office National de l’Emploi v. Ioannis Ioannidis, Case C-258/04, Judgment, 15 September 2005
Class International BV v. Colgate-Palmolive Company, Unilever NV, SmithKline Beecham plc, Beecham Group plc, Case C-405/03, Judgment, 18 October 2005
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Elisa Baroncini, Elisabetta Bergamini, Bernardo Cortese, Alfonso Crudele, Michele Nino, Anna Vigorito
SGL Carbon AG v. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-308/02, Ordonnance, 29 Avril 2004
Tokai Carbon Co. Ltd, SGL Carbon AG, Nippon Carbon Co. Ltd, Showa Denko KK, GraftTech International Ltd, SEC Corp. The Carbide/Graphite Group, Inc. v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-236/01, T-239/01, T-244/01 to T-246/01, T-251/01 and T-252/01, Judgment, 29 April 2004
Segi et Autres c. Conseil de l’Union Européenne, Affaire T-338/02, Ordonnance, 7 Juin 2004
The Autonomous Region of the Azores v. Council of the European Union, Case T-37/04, Order, 7 July 2004
Société des Mines de Sacilor – Lormines SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-107/01 and T-175/01, Judgment, 7 July 2004
JFE Engineering Corp., Nippon Steel Corp., JFE Steel Corp., Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-67/00, T-68/00, T-71/00 and T-78/00, Judgment, 8 July 2004
MCI, Inc. v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-310/00, Judgment, 28 September 2004
Cantina Sociale di Dolianova et Autres c. Commission des Communautés Européennes, Affaire T-166/98, Arrêt, 23 Novembre 2004
Fédération des Industries Condimentaires de France (FICF), Confédération Générale des Producteurs de Lait de Brebis et des Industriels de Roquefort, Comité Economique Agricole Régional ‘Fruits et Légumes de la Région Bretagne’ (Cerafel), Comité National Interprofessionnel des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras (CIFOG) v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-317/02, Judgment, 14 December 2004
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Enrica Adobati, Federico Bianchi, Bernardo Cortese, Alfonso Crudele, Antonietta Elia, Stefania Negri, Michele Nino, Emilio Sessa, Anna Vigorito
X, Case C-60/02, Judgment, 7 January 2004
Küne & Heitz NV and Productschap voor Pluimvee en Eieren, Case C-453/00, Judgment, 13 January 2004
Greenham and Abel, Case C-95/01, Judgment, 5 February 2004
Koninklijke KPN Nederland NV and Benelux-Merkenbureau, Case C-363/99, Judgment, 12 February 2004
French Republic v. Commission of the European Communities, Case C-233/02, Judgment, 23 March 2004
Commission of the European Communities v. Jégo-Quéré & Cie SA, Case C-263/02 P, Judgment, 1 April 2004
Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-387/99, Judgment, 29 April 2004
IMS Health GmbH &Co. OHG v. NDC Health GmbH &Co. KG, Case C-418/01, Judgment, 29 April 2004
Commission of the European Communities v Council of the European Union, Case C-27/04, Judgment, 13 July 2004
Verbraucher-Zentrale Hamburg eV v. O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG, Case C-19/03, Judgment, 14 September 2004
Commission of the European Communities v. Kingdom of Spain, Case C-227/01, Judgment, 16 September 2004
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-239/03, Judgment, 7 October 2004
Omega Spielhallen- und Automatenaufstellungs-GmbH v. Oberbürgemeisterin der Bundesstadt Bonn, Case C-36/02, Judgment, 14 October 2004
Kunqian Catherine Zhu, Man Lavette Chen v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, Case C-200/02, Judgment, 19 October 2004
Radlberger Getränkegesellschaft mbH & Co., S. Spitz KG v. Land Baden-Württemberg, Case C-309/02, Judgment, 14 December 2004
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Elisa Baroncini, Elisabetta Bergamini, Bernardo Cortese, Alfonso Crudele, Michele Nino, Emilio Sessa
Philip Morris International, Inc and Others v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-377/00, T-379/00, T-380/00, T-260/01 and T-272/01, Judgment, 15 January 2003
Dole Fresh Fruit International Ltd, v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-56/00, Judgment, 6 March 2003
Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co. Ltd and Kyowa Hakko Europe GmbH v Commission of the European Communities, Case T-223/00, Judgment, 9 July 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. Italian Republic, Case C-388/01, Judgment, 16 January 2003
Criminal Proceedings against Hüseyin Gözütok (C-187/01) and Klaus Brügge (C-385/01), Joined Cases C-187/01 and C-385/01, Judgment, 11 February 2003
Deutscher Handballbund eV and Maros Kolpak, Case C-438/00, Judgment, 8 May 2003
Gantner Electronic GmbH v. Basch Exploitatie Maatschappij BV, Case C-111/01, Judgment, 8 May 2003
T. Port GmbH & Co. KG, Case C-122/01 P, Judgment, 8 May 2003
Wählergruppe‚ Gemeinsam Zajedno/Birlikte Alternative und Grüne GewerkschafterInnen/UG’, Case C-171/01, Judgment, 8 May 2003
Préservatrice foncière TIARD SA v. Staat der Nederlanden, Case C-266/01, Judgment, 15 May 2003
Eva Glawischnig and Bundesminister für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen, Case C-316/01, Judgment, 12 June 2003
The Queen, on the application of Mayer Parry Recycling Ltd, v. Environment Agency and Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, and Corus (UK) Ltd and Allied Steel and Wire Ltd (ASW), Case C-444/00, Judgment, 19 June 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-233/00, Judgment, 26 June 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. European Central Bank, Case C-11/00, Judgment, 10 July 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. European Investment Bank, Case C-15/00, Judgment, 10 July 2003
Jean-Marie Le Pen v. European Parliament, Case C-208/03, Order, 31 July 2003
Monsanto Agricoltura SpA and Others v. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri and Others, Case C-236/01, Judgment, 9 September 2003
Safalero Srl v. Prefetto Provincia di Genova, Case C-13/01, Judgment, 11 September 2003
Biret International SA v Council of the European Union, Case C-93/02 P, Judgment, 30 September 2003
Eran Abatay and Others, Nadi Sahin, Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Joined cases C-317/01 and C-369/01, Judgment, 21 October 2003
Budéjovický Budvar, Národní Podnik v. Rudolf Ammersin GmbH, Case C-216/01, Judgment, 18 November 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-296/01, Judgment, 20 November 2003
Commission of the European Communities v. French Republic, Case C-429/01, Judgment, 27 November 2003
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Enrica Adobati, Bernardo Cortese, Alfonso Crudele, Stefania Negri, Michele Nino, Emilio Sessa
Établissements Biret et Cie SA v. Council of the European Union, Case T-210/00, Judgment, 11 January 2002
Intervet International BV v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-212/99, Judgment, 7 March 2002
Elliniki Viomichania Oplon AE (EVO) v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case T-220/96, Judgment, 24 April 2002
Jégo-Quéré et Cie SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-177/01, Judgment, 3 May 2002
Pfizer Animal Health SA v. Council of the European Union, Case T-13/99, Judgment, 11 September 2002
Alpharma Inc. v. Council of the European Union, Case T-70/99, Judgment, 11 September 2002
DuPont Teijin Films Luxembourg SA, Mitsubishi Polyester Film GmbH, Toray Plastics Europe SA v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-113/00, Judgment, 12 September 2002
Tideland Signal Limited v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-211/02, Judgment, 27 September 2002
Hans Fuchs Versandschlachterei KG v. Commission of the European Communities, Case T-134/01, Judgment, 9 October 2002
Rica Foods (Free Zone) NV, Free Trade Foods NV, Suproco NV, v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-94/00, T-110/00 and T-159/00, Judgment, 14 November 2002
Rica Foods (Free Zone) NV, Free Trade Foods NV, v. Commission of the European Communities, Joined Cases T-332/00 and T-350/00, Judgment, 14 November 2002
Land Nordrhein-Westfalen and Beata Pokrzeptowicz-Meyer, Case C-162/00, Judgment, 29 January 2002
The Queen and Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, ex parte Omega Air Ltd (C-27/00), and between Omega Air Ltd, Aero Engines Ireland Ltd, Omega Aviation Services Ltd and Irish Aviation Authority (C-122/00), Joined Cases C-27/00 and C-122/00, Judgment, 12 March 2002
Commission of the European Communities v. Ireland, Case C-13/00, Judgment, 19 March 2002
Opinion 1/00, 18 April 2002
Prefetto Provincia di Cuneo and Silvano Carbone, Case C-296/00, Judgment, 30 May 2002
Unión de Pequeños Agricultores v. Council of the European Union, Case C-50/00 P, Judgment, 25 July 2002
Commission of the European Communities v. Federal Republic of Germany, Case C-476/98, Judgment, 5 November 2002
Bülent Kurz, né Yüce, and Land Baden-Württemberg, Case C-188/00, Judgment, 19 November 2002
The Queen and Secretary of State for Health, ex parte: British American Tobacco (Investments) Ltd and Imperial Tobacco Ltd, Case C-491/01, Judgment, 10 December 2002
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-29/99, Judgment, 10 December 2002
Commission of the European Communities v. Council of the European Union, Case C-281/01, Judgment, 12 December 2002
LEGAL MAXIMS: SUMMARIES AND EXTRACTS FROM SELECTED CASE LAW. By Enrica Adobati, Mariangela Atripaldi, Bernardo Cortese
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC) v Commission of the European Communities, Case T-256/97, Judgment, 27 January 2000
European Parliament v. Council of the European Union, Case C-189/97, Judgment, 8 July 1999
Portuguese Republic v. Council of the European Union, Case C-149/96, Judgment, 23 November 1999
Ömer Nazli, Caglar Nazli, Melike Nazli and Stadt Nürnberg, Case C-340/97, Judgment, 10 February 2000
Ibrahim Kocak and Landesversicherungsanstalt Oberfranken und Mittelfranken, Ramazan Örs and Bundesknappschaft, Joined Cases C-102/98 and C-211/98, Judgment, 14 March 2000
The Queen and Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte: Abdulnasir Savas, Case C-37/98, Judgment, 11 May 2000
Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Case C-237/98, Judgment, 15 June 2000
Safet Eyüp and Landesgeschäftsstelle des Arbeitsmarktservice Vorarlberg, Case C-65/98, Judgment, 22 June 2000
Parfums Christian Dior SA and Tuk Consultancy BV, Assco Gerüste GmbH, Rob van Dijk, trading as Assco Holland Steigers Plettac Nederland, and Wilhelm Layher GmbH & Co. KG, Layher BV, Joined Cases C-300/98 and C-392/98, Judgment, 14 December 2000
Kingdom of Spain v. Council of the European Union, Case C-36/98, Judgment, 30 January 2001
OGT Fruchthandelsgesellschaft mbH and Hauptzollamt Hamburg-St. Annen, Case C-307/99, Order, 2 May 2001
Schieving-Nijstad vof and Others and Robert Groeneveld, Case C-89/99, Judgment, 13 September 2001
The Queen and Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte: Wieslaw Gloszczuk et Elzbieta Gloszczuk, Case C-63/99, Judgment, 27 September 2001
The Queen and Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte: Eleanora Ivanova Kondova, Case C-235/99, Judgment, 27 September 2001
Dorsch Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH v. Council of the European Union and Commission of the European Communities, Judgment, 28 April 1998
Grant v. South-West Trains Ltd., Judgment, 17 February 1998
A. Racke GmbH & Co. v. Hauptzollamt Mainz, Judgment, 16 June 1998
Criminal Proceedings against Horst Otto Bickel and Ulrich Franz, Judgment, 24 November 1998